Winter season is a great time to focus on your body and you need to speed up your swing. Book your first speed training session with Pam as soon as possible to learn how to establish a new speed! Do your homework 3 times a week between our coaching sessions with your own SuperSpeed Clubs.
Training Session Speed Package (can be ONLINE): $550 for 5 sessions over 3 months where I coach you through progressive protocols, monitor your progress to establish a new top speed. 350 Top Touring Professionals are currently using SuperSpeed Golf Training Systems. I’ll teach you a warm up and the first phases of the protocols.
Equipment Purchase is necessary for completing your homework 3 times a week. Purchase the SuperSpeed Golf Training System – Men’s, Ladies or Seniors Set for $199.99 (required) and the Swing Speed Radar for $119.99 (optional). SuperSpeed Club Purchase Link. If you do not purchase the radar then you will need to establish your starting swing speed with the lightest club prior to our first coaching session. Most golfers purchase the radar and enjoy seeing the numbers soar!
Please note: Speed is a skill that is safely established when there is a stable, mobile and strong foundation.
The progression is STABILITY>>MOBILITY>>STRENGTH>>SPEED>>POWER. If you are injured or unsure if you are ready for this program, please contact me for an initial consultation and/or purchase an assessment. Get ready to get powerful!
Let’s get started!
- Purchase your Speed Package Coaching Sessions here: Speed Training Purchase Link and enter $110 for 5 sessions for total of $550. This program is not for injured golfers. You need a base of mobility and strength before beginning a speed program. I can help you with that too!
- I will contact you within 48 hours to set up our first coaching session. All sessions can be done in person or ONLINE via FaceTime.
- Purchase your SuperSpeed Clubs using my affiliate link: SuperSpeed Club Purchase Link
- Prior to our first session I will send you the Intro Training Protocol and the progress tracking sheet.
I’ve coached many golfers, amateur and professional, with this system to gain 5, 10 and 15 mph more clubbed speed. It works!
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